Gwella’s Shamanic World

Created by

Christopher Macor

Gwella’s Shamanic World is organized by the enneagram and given content from his past lives. It spans time and space and has different levels of vibration. It is approximately 37 characters rich and includes a few objects. Time wise it spans from primordial beginnings to modern day. Space wise it starts in a distant part of the universe but takes place mainly on earth but not entirely in physical form.  SENTENCE: Gwella wants to get his health back before Death claims him as an apprentice. He is trying to survive by Shamanically journeying to his past lives and talking them through to freedom. This is what he’s done in the past with his clients as a hearse driver but is it isn’t working because the level of transformation needed is greater.  THEME: Living a life of service includes caring for oneself.

Mika Diary

#1 Origins

#1 Origins

Mika Diary#1 OriginsIt's not as strange as it may sound, starting a diary before you are born. I mean way before you are born, like not even in your mother's womb. But as Shakespeare said, “ There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in...

#2 How?

#2 How?

Ok, you're probably wondering how I started a diary 14,000 years before I was born and how I knew where I'd end up. The first thing to understand is that people are primarily spirit. The body thing is auxilliary, like an add on. We get so identified with these flimsy...

#3 How does one make submissions to the Akashic Records?

#3 How does one make submissions to the Akashic Records?

It's a bit tricky to be honest but once you get the hang of it; easy peasy. There's two things to consider. One is how to have consciousness without a body, and two, how to turn that consciousness into thinking that is substantial enough for a diary but etheric enough...

#4 How I Became Aware of My Future

#4 How I Became Aware of My Future

I didn't always know where I was going. I wasn't aware of the lifetimes of Gwella or even who he was or would be. I had a vague notion of destiny but no details. It was like being a wave in the ocean and experiencing convergence with other waves but these occurrences...

#5 Contracts

#5 Contracts

I hold a curious position in this progression of human consciousness. There are contracts formed on the nonphysical level and these contracts steer the direction of matter like the banks of a river. I was in on the writing of many contracts. I was kind of like a...

#6 Talk about Memory

#6 Talk about Memory

Geez, what does a person do with 14,000 years of memory? Most people are episodic. They remember what they have to, like their life from birth to death. As you know it was different with me. I had a very long time of developing consciousness and memory without a body....

#7 My Alias

#7 My Alias

I guess it's not entirely truthful to say I existed without a body for 14,000 years. I had some parking places along the way. One of them is an object named Daimon. Daimon is no ordinary object. We are a magical object, in the sense that magic was performed on us and...

#8 When I Became Mika

#8 When I Became Mika

You might be wondering how I ended up as Gwella's girlfriend. More exactly how did I get from 14,000 year consciousness to a body? Back to that quote from Shakespeare, “ There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” In a...

#9 Memory Palace

#9 Memory Palace

It was awhile before I finally arrived at the opportunity to write down my thoughts. In the meantime something happened. I created a system of memory. It's based on the notion of enfolded space. Dimensionality exists right here, right now, right under your nose. It's...

#10 Omniscience

#10 Omniscience

I know it would seem that I have some powers of omniscience. This is true. I had a lot of time to identify with the vasterness. If you don't have a body this is what you experience.

#11 Gwella

#11 Gwella

You may ask how I became aware of Gwella. It is true, this is something that I do not understand. I can only describe how it happened, not why it happened. In the end the answer is self evident. There were pieces of him coming my way. I didn't know who he was but I...

#13 The Self Evident Truth

#13 The Self Evident Truth

There is a quality of being that is self referential. Some call it I Am-ness. This quality of being has always been with me. I can't explain why it was there from the start but I can say that I always knew I existed. This knowing is very rich. Everything exists...

#14 When did I realize I loved him?

#14 When did I realize I loved him?

You've got to remember that I didn't know what love was for the longest time. I started to understand it when I was helping people with their contracts. There would be a lot of time spent hooking up clients with people from their past lives based on strong feelings of...

#15 Indications of Romance

#15 Indications of Romance

You might be curious to know when the romance began between Gwella and I. It was actually at the Wing Tail Party which you will soon hear about. Gwella journeyed through Abner's ascension and ended up at this occasion. The party was a big deal. All his lifetimes were...

#16 Perceptions of Gwella Future Tense

#16 Perceptions of Gwella Future Tense

Gwella and I talked after I was in a body about his perceptions of me before I arrived. He saw me one time in his mind's eye sitting in meditation. He knew I was his future partner. At that point I was moving toward incarnation but the thought forms hadn't become...

#17 Mika’s Dream

#17 Mika’s Dream

You see we didn't meet in the flesh. We never did. He came to me. Gwella made the same choice that Abner made, although in Gwella's case it was a mistake. It was right for Abner but for Gwella it was a repeat of a previous decision that was no longer what was needed...

#18 Both in the Flesh

#18 Both in the Flesh

It was a choice that we both made simultaneously but curiously independently. Our souls were linked and so the winds of the Universe blew us both in the same direction. Gwella from his ascension experience and me from my 14,000 year career as an akashic secretary....

#19 Embodiment

#19 Embodiment

I've got a unique perspective on this topic, being I was disembodied for so, so long. I feel like an incarnate angel. The difference is I have little control of it. But, I have more control than the average human because I was so involved in contracts as an akashic...

#20 Praise for Gwella

#20 Praise for Gwella

Ok, he is my boyfriend so I would imagine that I'm a little bias. Having said that, I've got to give credit where credit is do. Gwella has made some huge evolutionary strides. To stomach the tragedies that his lifetimes endured and shit it out with such fragrance,...

#21 Yama

#21 Yama

Ok this thing with Death is pretty weird. And Yama's a marketing nerd. Go figure. Once again, “ There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” I guess marketing is one way of developing a relationship with a prospective...

#22 Leaking

#22 Leaking

I knew it was coming. It happened so fast that I didn't have some to realize in the moment that it was here. All of sudden I started leaking into the world. First it was a presence and then I could feel my feet inside of someone else's body. Igyoke was a great...

#23 Wingtail Party

#23 Wingtail Party

There is no way I can overemphasize the importance of this event. It was a remarkable feat of dimensional choreography. I have to admit it was my finest work. Yes, I organized it. I mean who else could have pulled it off and possessed the insight and motivation to...

#24 Visiting with Orbo

#24 Visiting with Orbo

Oh...this is unexpected. I didn't think we could interact so freely with the dense beings. You want some explanation I suppose. Ok, I am Mika. I've been in a disembodied form for 13,580 years now. I keep a journal. It's an Akashic journey and I've been watching you. I...

#25 I Have Waited Long Enough

#25 I Have Waited Long Enough

I just realized. I want to incarnate and I'm tired of waiting. I want to be with Gwella. He needs my help. He's up against a lot and I can help him. I didn't think I would feel this way but I do. I've waited long enough.

#26 The Day I Came to Earth

#26 The Day I Came to Earth

I had never realized that my consciousness is continuous. I am eternally aware. Until now. There is a gap and I've awoken in a new world. I remember bits and pieces but the continuity is missing, gone, missing in action, as if this new flesh is a veil that hides...

#27 His Songs

#27 His Songs

I heard his songs. They were faint but I could hear them. I knew somebody was doing something with purpose. Then one day when I was helping someone make a contract, they opened a small box and a song came out. He had written it for them and they had captured it in the...

#28 Yama

#28 Yama

I had known him for eons. He was there at every transition, pulling, like a farmer weeding. He had a job to do but damn, why did he have to be so persistent about it. Everyone dies and some people need to be prompted but does he have to be so pushy? Why not approach...

#29 Divine Tribe

#29 Divine Tribe

How did I learn to play bass guitar so fast? I was inspired. Do you remember the Talking Heads? Do you remember the bass player in that band? It was a woman. Tina Weymouth is her name. She crushed it. I mean, they were all art students at the Rhode Island School of...

#30 Diamondo

#30 Diamondo

Ok, this can't remain unaddressed any longer. The connection, between Diamondo and I. You're curious, I know. You should be. We were considering a relationship, as well as two disembodied consciousnesses could consider a relationship. We had a meeting, a date as you...

#31 Where do I fit in?

#31 Where do I fit in?

You may be wondering where I fit in with all these “Ella” siblings and the grand ancestral soul family of Gwella. I am rouge. That's the gist of it. A bit of a wild card to tell the truth. Something from out of nowhere but which ends up being very important in the...

#32 The Love Story

#32 The Love Story

Where do I begin? Lots of love stories begin with love at first sight. He was a longs ways away in terms of time and space. Like I've said before, the first sighting was not really a sighting, more like an inkling. Love at first inkling. For a writer, I guess that can...

#33 A Mind that has not Been Born

#33 A Mind that has not Been Born

A mind unborn is a mind that will not die. A mind that holds the absolute, holds a truth that is immutable. Of course, this mind is timeless. And so, this mind is a mind that can offer solace to minds trapped within the illusion of time. How is this done? I will tell...

#34 How I Learned to Play Bass

#34 How I Learned to Play Bass

Well you may have guessed. It was the monk who taught me. I visited him one day. I asked him a question he hadn't been asked before. “ How long are the filaments and do they make a sound?” This question was the beginning of an inquiry that led me to Indra's net. Now...

#35 What happened at the Wing Tail Party?

#35 What happened at the Wing Tail Party?

The Wing Tail Party came at a time that was between time. Gwella was actually in a good place. Yama was having success finding other candidates. It was a great boon from the Universe. Every one benefited, well almost everyone. I was getting a pretty good idea of how I...

#36 The Story of Igyoke

#36 The Story of Igyoke

I could see this coming far off in the distance. I could see it's strangeness, it's aberration, it's deviation from natural law. But I could also see the truth it was trying to reveal, the karma it was trying to right, the consciousness that was attempting to be born....

#38 Near Death Experience

#38 Near Death Experience

With Death clipping at his heels there was no way he could avoid a Near Death Experience. He may not have come back if it wasn't for me. I saw it coming but Gwella was oblivious. He kept failing to right his karma and Yama was closing in. They had a friendly enough...

#39 What is at Stake?

#39 What is at Stake?

It's actually the survival of the entire human race that's at stake. Gwella is not an isolated case. His struggle is common to all. He was forced to move in a direction that either solves or compounds problems. He chose solution but it was not easy. Would most people...

#40 NDE or Bust!

#40 NDE or Bust!

There are two places in Gwella's adventure where all the lifetimes  converge. One is at the Wingtail Party, a gathering beyond the shackles of time that creates a trajectory for Gwella to truly heal. The second is his Near Death Experience. It is this NDE that we will...

#41 How our relationship affects the World

#41 How our relationship affects the World

This may be the last entry of my diary. However I see in the future, a sequel to this book, and so this diary will continue. In any case we did it! We righted the karma, healed Gwella and joined forces with Yama in a rock band called the Divine Tribe. Who saw that...