Mess 2 Message

We’re each a guru in a particular aspect of life

Everyone has one, a mess to message. We all have a pain, a trauma, a failure that has forced us to learn something harder and deeper that the average person. We have become an expert in this affliction compared to everybody else. This experience has value for other people who find themselves in a similar circumstance. Your hard earned message is a gift to the world. It’s like we’re each a guru in a very particular aspect of life.We each have an enlightened niche and when we add up all our enlightened niches they equal an enlightened humanity. I believe that all of us collectively discovering our mess2message is a way to shift humanity. Will you join us in our collective evolution?

This chart shows the elements of Mess 2 Message

The triangle shows that when you turn your pain into a framework, it becomes a gift to the world.

People who are in pain are motivated to work on their issues and because they are suffering they have compassion for others who suffer from the same issue.

We each have a mess that can be turned into a message. This message is our enlightening piece of the grand puzzle. If
everyone takes responsibility for their M2M and we learn from each other’s M2M, we will experience collective enlightenment and shift, becoming stewards of the earth.