A Wholeness Geek is somebody who strives to to be all of who they are.
You might ask why do I have to strive to be who I am? Aren’t I enough just the way I am?
The short answer is we’re smart enough to be dangerous but not smart enough to be good stewards of the earth. Humanity is undergoing a collective Rites of Passage. As a species, we’re moving from adolescence to adulthood. In traditional cultures this rites of passage can be arduous, even fatal for some individuals. This is showing up as the difficult time we are having with the pandemic and world affairs in general.
We each have had at least one challenge in our life. This could be a childhood illness, trauma or birth defect. If we’ve chosen to meet this trauma and “get the lesson” so to speak, we’ve come out having developed an expertise that exceeds the “normal” development of most humans. This is our gift to the world, our special message, our unique genius. I call this process of rising to the occassion, our “ Mess 2 Message”. The thing is, for most of us this expertise is covered over by pain and trauma, what is commonly called “shadow”.
By each of us confronting our shadow, embracing our unique genius and sharing it with the world, humanity can collectively evolve. This will require us to trust ourselves and each other. We will need to feel things we’ve been avoiding feeling, perhaps for lifetimes. We need to connect with G.U.S. (God, Universe, Source) and express it in the world. This expression will create a resonance which will lift up all humanity and create shift into our collective adulthood. This shifting is commonly referred to as, the “Hundredth Monkey Effect”. We will need our courage, our imagination and our dreams.